Hello !!!

I think we have all been working our English knowledge for the past 15 years ago or so.
Shakespeare's language has such beauty, such a lovely accent giving us such great joy, we are always happy on Thursday mornings to be together.
I aim to get the students to love and know the English language as much as I do. To do so, every week we learn a few idioms, very well-known. All the French ones can be translated into English.
At the same time, we study the British civilisation, easy does it the way of life on the other side of the Channel, their cuisine and I can assure you, one can eat very well in London especially in the pubs...
have you understand ? no, then
come salle Manczur on Thursdays from 9h 30 to 11h 30.
extrait d'un discours de Mme Dedryver

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